Episodes 31 – 40
D&C 84 – 110 : Show notes located below video
September 27 – october 3 | Episode 40
Doctrine & Covenants 109-110
“It Is Thy House, a Place of Thy Holiness”
Part I
Those first moments in the Grove in 1830 led up to this revelatory event–the Kirtland Temple dedication. Dr. Brent Rogers relates how the spiritual building and the physical building of the Kirtland Temple parallel our preparation. Also, the Saints unify to build a magnificent house of the Lord and prepare themselves for the Lord to manifest Himself.
Part II
Dr. Brent Rogers returns and shares the Kirtland Temple dedicatory prayer and many spiritual manifestations witnessed by the Saints. Additionally, Dr. Rogers shares his testimony of the Savior, his thoughts about the Restoration, and the gathering of Israel.
September 20 – September 26 | Episode 39
Doctrine & Covenants 106-108
“To Have the Heavens Opened”
Part I
Will the Lord return “like a thief in the night” or “as a woman in travail?” Dr. Robert Millet joins the podcast where we discuss the Second Coming, the signs of the times, strengthening our brothers and sisters, and keeping their names and reputations safe.
Part II
Dr. Robert Millet returns to discuss Doctrine and Covenants, Section 107 and the organization of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, the Seventy, and how all members enjoy the benefits of the priesthood on earth. Dr. Millet also shares his testimony of the Savior and what specific gifts for which he prays.
September 13 – September 19 | Episode 38
Doctrine & Covenants 102-105
“After Much Tribulation . . . Cometh the Blessing”
Part I
Does salt have an expiration date? Dr. Scott Woodward explains how and why salt symbolizes eternity and how our covenants make us the “salt of the earth,” as we discuss Sections 102 and 103–the instructions regarding membership councils, and the Saints’ attempt to redeem Zion. Section 102 will become your favorite meeting minutes as Hank, John, and Dr. Woodward discuss one of the seven parables in the Doctrine and Covenants.
Part II
Dr. Woodward continues discussing the calling and makeup of Zion’s Camp, corporate blessings, and how the Lord intends to provide for every Saint. Was Zion’s Camp a failure? How the Lord uses sacrifice as a training ground for the temple, Zion, and the Second Coming is discussed.
September 6 – September 12 | Episode 37
Doctrine & Covenants 98-101
“Be Still and Know that I am God”
Part I
How are the lives of Lydia and Edward Partridge like ours? Join Sherilyn Farnes as we discuss Doctrine and Covenants 98-101 and the many trials the Missouri Saints face whileJoseph is over 800 miles away in Kirtland yet receives revelations for their day and ours. The Lord uses the evil actions of others to create a Zion-hearted people, which is a message for the early Saints and today.
Part II
Sherilyn Farnes returns to discuss “infuriating unfairness” as it relates to the Saints in Missouri and Zion’s Camp. We also discuss enduring the Lord’s chastening with patience and how testimony or transgressions affect multiple generations.
August 30 – September 5 | Episode 36
Doctrine & Covenants 94-97
“For the Salvation of Zion”
Part I
Have you ever received an assignment yet didn’t have the skills to complete it? Join Dr. Susan Easton Black as we discuss Joseph, Hyrum, and others who were chastened for not building a temple and how the pattern for becoming like the Lord is established. Also, Dr. Black teaches how the temple amplifies our spiritual gifts and how the Saints can stop living beneath our privileges.
Part II
Were the early Saints required to observe their covenants by sacrifice? Dr. Black returns to explain how the Saints are preparing for temple covenants and how the Lord tempers their expectations of Zion. We also discuss how the Lord is anxious to bless the Saints with temple blessings, power, and protection.
August 23 – August 29 | Episode 35
Doctrine & Covenants 93
“Receive of His Fullness”
Part I
Is our house in order? Don’t get discouraged! Dr. Casey Griffiths returns and shares the Lord’s rebuke of Joseph and others in Section 93, but as we pattern ourselves after the Savior and learn “grace to grace,” as He did, we too will become like our Heavenly Parents.
Part II
Does the Lord want His children comfortable, or does He want us to be like Him? Dr. Griffith instructs us how imitation is a form of worship and how we are to become a kingdom of Priests and Priestesses and inherit all that the “Father hath.” After a chastisement, Joseph is taught of our eternal nature and destiny.
August 16 – August 22 | Episode 34
Doctrine & Covenants 89-92
“A Principle with Promise”
Part I
What guiding truths that guide decision-making can you find in Section 89? Dr. Jed Woodworth opens up the Word of Wisdom and shows how the Lord rebukes without rebuking. Dr. Woodworth illustrates new historical relevance in a section that addresses more than health and clarifies spiritual truths in a groundbreaking section for health and obedience codes in the Christian world.
Part II
Dr. Woodworth returns to discuss Joseph’s desire for forgiveness, how the Lord magnifies each member’s gifts, how the Saints are instructed to study revelations, and out of “good books” to serve one another better.
AUGUST 9 – August 15 | Episode 33
Doctrine & Covenants 88
“Establish … A House of God”
Part I
How do we prepare for heaven on earth and what is the other Comforter? Dr. Anthony Sweat returns to discuss Section 88 and how we can become a celestial people. Learning from “The Olive Leaf,” the Saints learn how to prepare the world, and themselves, for the return of the Savior.
Part II
Can you explain the importance of baptism or marriage in one sentence? Can you describe the significance of the temple endowment in one sentence? Understanding the temple endowment can be more complicated. Still, Dr. Anthony Sweat continues shares how the School of the Prophets enabled the Savior to reveal Himself to a company of endowed priests and priestesses and teaches the purpose of the endowment–a purpose you can share in a sentence
August 2 – August 8 | Episode 32
Doctrine & Covenants 85-87
“Stand Ye in Holy Places”
Part I
Will members receive revelation for those outside of their stewardship? Who is the one “Great and Mighty” mentioned in this week’s lesson? Join Dr. Kenneth Alford as he shares what it means to “steady the ark,” as well as teaching how the early Saints learned about personal revelations, corporeal revelation, and the “unspeakable gift’ of the Holy Ghost. The Saints are living through persecution and hear the rumors of war. This week’s lesson applies to each member as we live in a time of tribulations and learn to listen to the voice of the Lord.
Part II
How do Lydia and Edward Partridge’s suffering, humility, and service apply to Latter-day Saints today? Dr. Alford returns for Part II and we discuss keeping a record of the Lord’s hand in our lives, what supporting our leaders may look like (or not), as well as the parable of the Last Days. Dr. Alford’s lifelong service in the US Army helps us relate to wars, rumors of wars, in the 1830s and today.
July 26 – August 1 | Episode 31
Doctrine & Covenants 84
“The Power of Godliness”
Part I
Do you wonder how both women and men hold priesthood authority and priesthood power? Dr. Barbara Morgan Gardner returns to teach about how women and men have priesthood authority, responsibility, and duties. We learn how the early Saints were being prepared for temple covenants and learn the difference between how the priesthood operates within and without the family structure.
Part II
Are both men and women instructed to study Doctrine and Covenants, Section 84? Dr. Gardner teaches how the Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood involves responsibilities and blessings that don’t vary for men and women and we are reminded, as the early Saints were, that we are willing to take upon ourselves the name of Christ at baptism and we take upon ourselves His name in the temple and men and women both can receive all the blessings our Heavenly Parents have for their children.
The Follow Him Podcast with Hank Smith and John Bytheway is not affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints nor Brigham Young University. The opinions expressed on episodes represent the views of the guest and podcasters alone. While the ideas presented may vary from traditional understandings or teachings, they in no way reflect criticism of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day leaders, policies, or practices.